Attention Please: The conference will be held on 4th of December 2021, please prepare the Power Point for presentation later
Welcome to the 2021 - The 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT 2021), to be held virtually on 4 December 2021, at Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be invited sessions, panel sessions and keynote addresses. We solicit full-length, high-quality, and original papers on the following topics:
Track: Mechanical Engineering
Control Systems and Mechanical Engineering, Aerodynamics, Applied Mechanics and Control Systems, Computational Mechanics and Techniques, Dynamics and Vibration, Energy Engineering and Management, Fluid dynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Fuels and Combustion, Instrumentation and Control, Material science and Processing, Mechatronics and Mechanical Design, Mechanical Power Engineering, Nanomaterial Engineering, New and Renewable Energy, Pc Guided Design and Manufacture, Plasticity Mechanics, Pollution and Environmental Engineering, Power-train Solutions, Powertrain Technology, Precision Mechanics, Mechatronics, Production Technology, Robotic Automation and Control, Textile and Leather Technology, Vehicle Design and Manufacturing, Vehicle Dynamics and Intelligent Control Systems, Vehicle Safety, Thermodynamics, Transportation Systems, Mechanical Sciences.
Track: Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Devices, Nanotechnologies, Smart Grids, Sensing and Sensor Technologies, Power Electronics, Digital Circuits, Analog Circuits & Signal Processing, Factory and Design Automation, Motion Control, Intelligent Systems and Machine Vision, 3D Semiconductor Device Technology, Advanced Electromagnetics, Component Technology of MEMS, Electronics System-Level Based Design, Adaptive Signal Processing, Compound Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Control System and Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Mechatronic Technologies, Telecommunication.
Track: Computer Science
Mathematics for Computing, Computer Graphics Rendering, Cryptography, Multimedia Processing (Image Processing, Audio Processing, etc), Computer Vision, Intelligence System, Artificial Intelligence (Soft Computing, Neural Network, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, etc), Assembler Programming, Data Structure (Graph, Tree, Compression, etc), File System (Structured Data Storage, Database Storage, Multimedia Storage), Natural Language Processing, Compilation Technique, Virtual Object Modelling, Networking and Data Communication.
Track: Information System & Technology
Business Process Modelling, System Prototyping, Decision Support System, Data Mining, Data Warehouse, Big Data, E-Business, E-Commerce, IT Risk & Disaster, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), IT Services, Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), Network Security, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Internet of Things.
Track: Industrial Technology
Planning and Control Project management, Green Manufacturing Technology, Ergonomic, Supply chain management and logistics, Environmental impact of Industrial Engineering, Industrial engineering and Operations management, Healthcare engineering and management, Design and Manufacturing, Sustainable Transportation System, Internet of Things.